Super-Green Falafel Bowl
I made this delicious and powerful bowl which is great as a side dish or as a light lunch. Cabbages are so healthy as they’re low in saturated fat and cholesterol. They’re also packed with vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin A 💚
1️⃣Cook your Savoy cabbage in a pan with some sesame seed oil, 1-2tsp of soya sauce, salt and pepper. Be careful not to overcook it. The cabbage should not lose its colour so that the vitamins are preserved!
2️⃣Serve with some veggies and nuts of your your choice.
3️⃣Sprinkle with sesame seeds and add in your falafels.
4️⃣Dressing: olive oil and fresh lemon juice 🍋 I also added the spicy Mayo sriracha 🌶